
three things i learned about emma today

as most of you know, i recently ventured into full-time stay-at-home mamahood, with a consulting gig on the side. read here and here for more details on how and why i made the decision and how it's going a few days in.
today was one of those days that i was less stay-at-home mama and more consultant, working outside the house in a series of meetings. so, little e stayed at home with my mom, who was her partner in all things physical therapy, reading, taking strolls through the neighborhood, Baby Signing Time, and, apparently a crawling, climbing, and cruising bonanza.

yet even from afar, i learned three things (in no particular order) about my darling little apple cheeks that i was not fully aware of prior to today:

1. she loves her some lima beans. yup. my mom prepared them with a little cracked pepper, olive oil, and lemon juice and she lapped them up greedily. makes me a proud mama, especially since i can't really stand the things, though i know they are good for her.

2. in my absence, she misses me - after an extended period of being super close as we have this past week- like no one in my life has ever missed me before. according to my mom, when i left for work today, she crawled into our bedroom, climbed up to eye level with the bed (it's pretty low because we have no frame - see the Craigslist post for more info on that), and looked for me. when i was nowhere to be found, she plopped back down, disgruntled, and crawled back to my mom.

when i arrived home this evening, she clung to me with all of her being. said hi, patted me on my back, hugged me, and gave me one of her wide-mouthed, slobbery kisses.

i can't tell you how endearing, heartwarming, humbling, and touching emma's unconditional love is.  she treats me, despite my imperfections, like a most perfect of beings (at least for now) - like a supermama to this most super child.

3. everytime i think i have a handle on where emma is developmentally, i am proven wrong - not by the doctors or therapists, but by emma herself. when i am asked questions by a therapist, as i was today, such as is she cruising yet?,  i respond, no, not yet, but she's working on getting there.

yet, without fail, she so frequently proves me wrong. she's always one step ahead of any challenge with a tenacity and perseverence that is incomparable.

case in point:  when i came home from work this evening, i learned that quite to the contrary to my assertions that morning to the therapist, our little e spent much of therapy cruising ever so gingerly, but boldly all the while, alongside our couch several times today.

i'm so proud of my little apple cheeks and so incredibly blessed to be her (most of the time stay-at-home) mama.

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